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How Anonymous Dodged the Cyber-Terrorism Label Gabriella Coleman

How Anonymous Dodged the Cyber-Terrorism Label Gabriella Coleman

Open lecture connected to professor Susanne Winterling’s research work Planetary Sensing which has recently received KUF funding and will be starting in the Autumn semester.

Anonymous - the masked activists who have contributed to hundreds of political operations around the world since 2008 - were perfectly positioned to earn the title of cyberterrorists.

In this talk Gabriella Coleman considers why they were well placed to receive this title and then turns to the the various factors, from the use of the Guy Fawkes to the role of popular culture, that allowed them to narrowly escape this designation.

This lecture is organized with Heresies Podium, in cooperation with the the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo and marks the pilot of Susanne Winterling’s Planetary Sensing.  

Gabriella Coleman, Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy at the Department of Art History & Communication Studies, McGill University Montreal works on the politics of hacking and is the author of the bestselling book on Anonymous.

This is an open lecture for both KHiO students, staff and the general public.

 * image courtesy Anonymous