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Sofie Amalie Andersen 2017.
Sofie Amalie Andersen 2017.

Akademirommet: Giornata by Sofie Amalie Andersen

The exhibition "Giornata", will present five days of work, united in one mural covering the free-standing wall at Akademirommet.

Place: Akademirommet, Kunstnernes Hus, Wergelandsveien 17, Oslo

In an article discussing the novel "The painted Room" by Danish author Inger Christensen, the journalist refers to a conversation he had about the German translation of the book. The stories in the novel take place in 15th century Italy, and circulate around the fresco work made by Andrea Mantegna, in the bedroom of the Duke of Mantua, Ludovico Gonzago. In German, the title of the book is "Das gemalte Zimmer", and, as the journalist gets pointed out, the translator had to choose from two options when translating the word "painted", as there is an essential difference between the german terms "gemalt" and "bemalt". One is describing an action (have been painted), the other a condition (painted on); one is referring to the making, and the other to the current situation.

The exhibition "Giornata", presents one mural covering the free-standing wall at Akademirommet. The layers of mortar and paint are applied in the mural, on the gallery wall that in its nature is not suited for a long-lasting fresco work, to question the status of the monumental art work in a temporary setting. The exhibition also attempts to re-introduce the fresco as a contemporary medium in the context of the art school, by presenting it at Akademirommet, historically linked to both the Academy of Fine Art and Kunstnernes Hus, which itself is decorated by leading artists from the 1930s golden fresco-era in Norway.

Sofie Amalie Andersen is currently a student at the Oslo National Academy of Fine Art.