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Untitled, 2016 by Özlem Altin.
Untitled, 2016 by Özlem Altin.

I saw the sign

See the result of a week long collective experiment in practicing puzzlement and pursuing intuitions. A collaboration by BA and MA students from the Academy of Fine Art and two international students.

This workshop will engage the notion of the omen: a sign of which you sense with your whole body and soul that it says something, of which life alone may eventually, if ever, reveal what it really means. Only once the riddle is told, it asks for answers. So the class will be a collective experiment in practicing puzzlement, pursuing intuitions, invoking unresolved matters and recasting the sign one saw in poetic forms, be it words, works, sounds or moves.

This process is assisted by professor Jan Verwoert and guest teacher, Berlin based artist, Özlem Altin. What may come out in the course of a week will be shown, performed or perhaps also stay silent in an exhibition opening at 7pm on Friday 15th March at the Academy Room in Kunstnernes Hus.

The Academy of Fine Art is part of the KUNO network and 2 spaces on this course were reserved for students from the network.
«KUNO is a lively and ambitious Nordplus network comprising 18 Nordic-Baltic fine art academies, aiming to become an art university without walls. By cooperating on a wide range of project activities, the member institutions commit themselves to the continued development of higher fine art education in the region.»