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Presentation, Art performance

Music For Lectures - Every Word was Once an Animal

Music For Lectures - Every Word was Once an Animal

Reseach Fellow Mette Edvardsen at the Acadamy of Dance presents a talk with live music at Black Box teater.

Every word was once an animal - 
Text by Mette Edvardsen
Music by Jonathan Burrows, Matteo Fargion, Francesca Fargion

In this lecture with live music, Mette Edvardsen will speak about language and repetition as material in her work. What does it mean to do the same? What does it mean to do something again? 

Every word was once an animal is part of the series ‘Music For Lectures’ by Burrows and Fargion. It aims to collide academic practice with the actuality of performance and continues their recent practice of creating, often in proximity and collaboration with somebody else's work.

Production: Mette Edvardsen/ Athome & Manyone (Brussels)


The presentation is part of Waiting for the Sun - a night at Black Box teater  - duration from 07.00 pm to 07.00 am. Check the Black Box program for further information and tickets.

Mette Edvardsen is structurally supported by Norsk Kulturråd, BUDA Arts Centre Kortrijk and APAP network (EU). She is currently a research fellow at Oslo National Academy of the Arts and associated artist at Black Box teater, Oslo.

Jonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion are co-produced by Kaaitheater Brussels, PACT Zollverein Essen, Sadler's Wells Theatre, London and BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen.