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Art performance

Akademirommet: Eastern European Conspiracies

Akademirommet: Eastern European Conspiracies

FKDS Studios and POP Tektonism are inviting you.

Easter(n) European Conspiracies is series of rituals held by the priest of the Τektonic Temple of Akademiromiet POP Tektonism. The ritual consisted of 6 performance 10 minutes each, separated in 6 days during the Easter period.
The rituals are welcoming the new New World Order and establishing conspiracy theories as a new religion and hope.
POP Tektonism is inviting you to come along to pray and celebrate under the almost blind

Sunday 25th of March:
The Sun and the Day / the Moon and the Night
18:00 – 18:10 and 20:00 – 20:10

Monday 26th of March:
Sect / Conspiracy / Transparency.
18:00 – 18:10 and 20:00 – 20:10

Tuesday 27th of March:
For the Well to Come / The ill-advised
18:00 – 18:10 and 20:00 – 20:10

Wednesday 28th of March
The Dinner
18:00 – 18:10 and 20:00 – 20:10

Thursday 29th of March
The Lie of Crucifixion / The Truth of Persecution / The duty of Resurrection.
18:00 – 18:10 and 20:00 – 20:10

Friday 30th of March
Mirthful Old World Funeral
18:00 – 18:10 and 20:00 – 20:10

Read more about the project.

Lykourgos Porfyris is a stipend holder of one of the Fondet for kunst- og designstudenter (FKDS) grant studios.