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Clothes and Coreography: Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad

Clothes and Coreography: Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad

Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad will give a lecture on body and clothes and identity in a gender-perspective.

Clothes and Coreography

The course "Clothes and Choreography - an interdisciplinary research" is a collaboration between two departments at Oslo National Academy of the Arts, the Dance and Design Departments with their group of master students in Choreography and Costume design. The course consists of open lectures and a workshop.

"Clothes and Coreography" explores the boundaries of what is what in the meeting point between the dancer's body movements and clothing. Where does the dancer's body end and where does the clothes begin? What occurs in the fusion between the moving body and the clothes? How does the costume influence our view of the dancer's movement?

With the question What are clothes to dance? - students, teachers, artists and theorists are invited to an interdisciplinary research laboratory spanning over four weeks in the autumn of 2016. The laboratory will be characterized by an investigative attitude and is process oriented. The result is a presentation/ display of the most interesting laboratory discoveries. Read more about the course here.

Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad

Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad is a Norwegian doctor, specialist in clinical sexology, and professor in sexology at the Department of Psychososial Health at the University of Agder.

Photo: Wikipedia, Bamble kommune (2011).