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Foto fra Hotweek 2015.
Foto fra Hotweek 2015.

Hotweek 2016: Transit

Metal and jewellery art arranges the yearly international workshop Hotweek. Guest artists for this year's course is Rian De Jong and Manuel Vilhena. The workshop is open for all students at Oslo National Academy of Arts, as well as former students and professional artists.

Lectures by: Eirik Audunsson Skaar, Rian De Jong and Manuel Vilhena

Register for the workshop

Monday September 19

10.00 Registration and Coffee

10.30 Opening lecture by Eirik Audunsson Skaar

11.30 Presentation of workshop. Professor Sigurd Bronger

12.00 HOT lunch

13.00 Workshop starts

24.00 School closes

Tuesday September 20

09.00 School opens. Workshop time

12.00 HOT Lunch

24.00 School closes

Wednesday September 21

09.00 School opens. Workshop goes on

12.00 HOT Lunch

13.00 Workshop

17.00 HOT dinner and drink at Acantus

24.00 School closes

Thursday September 22

09.00 School opens. Workshop goes on

16.00 Deadline completion of work. Setting up exhibition

Friday September 23

15.00 Artist presentation Manuel Vilhena

16.00 Artist presentation Rian De Jong

17.30 Opening of exhibition

More info about Hotweek 2016, and previous years.

Pictures are from Hotweek 2015.